This year, I switched to scrapbooking "Big Picture style" and a lot of the layouts I would have put in my Book of Me are now going behind the "Tracy" tab in our "Who We Are" album. However, I am wrapping up my BOM and still put the occasional layout in it, and I will continue to do so until the album is full (another 6 or 7 layouts). My BOM is strictly paper (no digital!) so this layout had to be traditional! I just love this paper by My Mind's Eye.
The journaling is from an old blog challenge (I think by Stacey) and was originally posted on my now-defunct first blog.
So... Now that you've been digi-scrapping for awhile, how was it paper scrappin' ?
Oh wow! I really love this layout - perfect!
This is beautiful, I love the colours and just the whole thing really
Thanks for stopping by The Digi Chick blog and checking out my tip for Sassy Sepia photos!
Would love to see any layout (paper OR digi) that you make!
Your blog is fabulous, as are all your projects!
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