Resistance is Futile by Tracy Kosofsky

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Old Navy, Yankee Candle and Target Savings!

Oh, I so love couponing! We picked Alexa up from school today and we all headed to the mall.

Did you know that Old Navy has an additional 50% off women's clearance items? That makes for some serious deals, especially if you factor in that I had a 25% off entire purchase coupon from Old Navy Weekly. So, for a grand total of $77.41, we picked up:
For Adam: three polo shirts and two pairs of cargo shorts
For Alexa: a dress, a top, a skirt, and a really cute hoodie
For me: three shirts and one pair of pants
That's a total of 13 pieces of clothing, for $5.95 per piece (although I do feel compelled to say that MY portion of the total cost was less than $10 - but Adam really needed some new clothes and I just can't resist cute little girl things).

We also went to Yankee Candle and I got 4 full sized jar candles that retail for $24.99 each for a total of $52.47. I did a buy one get one half off promotion (it applies to Pumpkin Spice, Autumn Wreath and I think Spiced Apple scents), bought a full price Vanilla Cupcake, and spent enough to get the anniversary limited edition Macintosh for $5. Then I had a $15 off a $45 purchase. Since I am a huge Yankee Candle fan, this was a great deal for me, although they're certainly not necessities. In case you're keeping track, I saved 48% - or just about got 2 of the 4 candles for free.

After some kiddie ride nonsense, we headed to our local Super Target. Of all the grocery stores I coupon for and shop at, I seem to have the best luck overall at Target for most of what I need. This week was no exception. My pre-coupon total was $129.72. After coupons - $70.62. Yep, I saved $59.10 or 46%. My best deals - 2 Neosporin lip healths for 34 cents each (these babies generally retail for $4+), 3 tuna pouches for 27 cents each, 6 cereals (4 GM, 2 Kashi) for $1.25-1.33 each, 4 Nature Valley Nut Clusters for $1.13 each (I absolutely love these things), and 2 big bags of Chex Mix for 76 cents each. Plus lots of other great deals!

It's really become an addiction for me. I can't wait until Sunday to see what kind of great new deals I can get!!

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